Hayward Alker Best Student Paper Award Honorable Mention 2024: Ronay Bakan, for “Fieldwork as Carework: Solidarity in the Disaster of the Century/Century of Disasters”

The committee also wanted to extend an honorable mention to Ronay Bakan for the paper “Fieldwork as Carework: Solidarity in the Disaster of the Century/Century of Disasters” that was presented at 2024 APSA Virtual Research Meeting. Ronay is currently a PhD candidate in Political Science at Johns Hopkins. The committee appreciated Ronay’s paper for diving into the messy complexity of fieldwork and advancing a new argument about carework within fieldwork.

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Hayward Alker Best Student Paper Award Winner 2024: Jasmine English, for “Dilemmas of Accommodation: Diverse Associations and the Avoidance of Racial Difference”

This year’s winner of the The Hayward R. Alker Best Student Paper Award is Jasmine English for the paper: “Dilemmas of Accommodation: Diverse Associations and the Avoidance of Racial Difference” that was presented at the 2023 MPSA Annual Meeting. Jasmine recently completed a PhD in Political Science from MIT, will be a Postdoctoral Fellow at the at Stanford (2024-25) before joining Reed College in 2025 as an Assistant Professor. The committee agreed that Jasmine’s paper was exemplary in its rich use of ethnographic methods and theoretically innovative in terms of the argument that it provided regarding avoidance of discussing race in church settings.

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Charles Taylor Book Award Honorable Mention 2023: José Ciro Martínez, for States of Subsistence: The Politics of Bread in Contemporary Jordan

States of Subsistence is a journey that leaves the reader sensing the smell of khubz ‘arabi and pondering how the state is performed in Jordan and beyond. Through an ethnographic study of subsidized bread, Martínez pursues “the conundrums that come with being governed by something we can feel, hear, smell, and discuss, but never see” (5). He works at bakeries, interviews policymakers, and spends time with average citizens to understand how subsidized bread is entangled with weighty issues of state authority. Drawing on this long-term immersion, the book shifts attention from the institutions and events that have dominated the study of bread politics to the routines of food production and distribution as sensory rituals connecting citizens to the state. Taking bread and bakeries as an analytical vantage point, Martínez shows how political subjectivities are shaped through embodied relationships to the state, and how the state itself is “a set of relations and practices that must be constantly renewed” (12). States of Subsistence is a pertinent example of how systematic engagement with the ordinary can lead to unexpected yet profound insights, demystifying that most consequential abstraction in political thought and life—the state.

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Charles Taylor Book Award Winner 2023: Farah Godrej, for Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State

Freedom Inside? is a deeply careful and caring book, humanizing the lived experiences of those subject to the systemic injustices of mass incarceration. In this unique ethnographic study of yoga and meditation in U.S. prisons, Godrej asks whether yogic traditions as they are taught in prisons pacify the incarcerated to accept their lot or urge them to resist the penal system’s messaging. Embedding herself in volunteer organizations teaching yoga and meditation in prisons, with the rare access to the incarceration system that this entailed, Godrej arrives at a more surprising and complex answer than that suggested by the binary of political passivity versus resistance. She argues that yoga practices foster dignity and internal strength for practitioners behind bars, enabling them to “pursue forms of inward-oriented spiritual pursuit denied (or possibly unknown) to many people in society” (278). This insight is developed through close engagement with the voices and ideas of those who have experienced confinement and those who volunteer to teach them yoga, making Freedom Inside? a model of the co-production of knowledge between the author and interlocutors. Through an immersive, embodied, and consistently self-reflexive examination, this book makes profound contributions to our understanding of personhood in incarceration and internal dimensions of resistance, as well as to interpretive ethnographic methods. Freedom Inside? speaks to audiences beyond academia, demonstrating both the potential and the limits of self-care practices in “total institutions” of social control.

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Grain of Sand Award Winner 2023: Timothy Mitchell

On behalf of the Interpretive Methods and Methodologies Section, I am proud to announce this year’s winner, Professor Timothy Mitchell of Columbia University. Mitchell is the William B. Ransford Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies. As a trail blazer in the fields of political science and postcolonial theory, Mitchell’s widely cited research has explored the place of colonialism in the making of modernity, the material and technical politics of the Middle East, and the role of economics and other forms of expert knowledge in the management and disciplining of collective life.

As one may also learn from his website: Mitchell was educated at Queens’ College, Cambridge, where he received a first-class honors degree in History. He completed his PhD in Politics and Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University in 1984. He joined Columbia University in 2008 after teaching for twenty-five years 2 at New York University, where he served as Director of the Center for Near Eastern Studies. At Columbia he offers courses on the history and politics of the Middle East, colonialism, and the politics of technical things.

Mitchell is the author of the pathbreaking book Colonising Egypt (University of California Press, 1991), in which he charted the emergence of modern modes of governance in Egypt’s colonial period. An influential theoretical investigation into the forms of truth, reason, power, and knowledge that helped make modernity what it is, the book was also a methodological tour de force. Inspired in part by a Foucauldian approach to discourse analysis, Mitchell examined the felicitous conditions under which colonialism’s specific “will to power” gained traction— and the kinds of work it accomplished refashioning subjects and reproducing the rule of Europeans abroad. The book was simultaneously an imaginative and sophisticated foray into the theory and methods associated with Bourdieu and with Derridean deconstruction. Mitchell’s insights into the peculiar ways in which the colonial encounter required that colonized populations be put on display—made visible, exoticized, and sanitized for western consumption—opened vistas for fruitful new research and attunements in the study of both politics and history.

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Lee Ann Fujii Award Honorable Mention 2023: Farah Godrej, for Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State

Farah Godrej’s Freedom Inside? brings together a sustained attention to methodological, epistemological, and ethical challenges of studying violence within the carceral state. The book opens up the methodological entanglements at every step of the research process as Godrej navigates her own experience as a prison volunteer and participant-observer teaching yoga inside prisons. She examines these entangles as they relate to IRBs, interviewing and accessing formerly incarcerated persons, and ethnography in prison environments. Godrej carefully thinks through key methodological concepts, such as consent, confidentiality, anonymity, member-checking, without providing simple answers or resolutions. She also pushes the boundaries of who is considered a legitimate knowledge producer and what counts as scientific inquiry by co-authoring with two formerly incarcerated persons. Godrej also thoughtfully examines the role of race and gender within mass incarcerations, prisons, and population control, thus centering racial and gendered violence in a way that speaks to the Lee Ann Fujii Award.

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Lee Ann Fujii Award Winner 2023: Sarah E. Parkinson, for Beyond the Lines: Social Networks and Palestinian Militant Organizations in Wartime Lebanon

Based on extraordinary ethnographic fieldwork, Sarah E. Parkinson’s Beyond the Lines demonstrates how insurgent groups survive in the face of state repression. Parkinson moves the reader between intimate, anecdotal excursions, informed by her ethical, interpretative lived experiences in Palestinian communities in Lebanon. In so doing, Parkinson provides a practical approach to studying militant organizations through careful relationship building, to learn with and from people she met in the course of fieldwork through their everyday social networks. Beyond the Lines also presents a challenge to political science as a discipline - to capture the complexity of the human experience in and beyond mass violence, to prioritize people’s contradictory and sometimes incomprehensible lived experiences. Parkinson’s findings illustrate the felt effects of violence, in its physical, emotional and structural forms in ways that speak to the goals of the Lee Ann Fujii award.

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Grain of Sand Award Winner 2022: Partha Chatterjee

Partha Chatterjee begins Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World (1986) with an epigraph from Bertold Brecht’s Galileo: where “there are obstacles the shortest line between two points may well be a crooked line.” This is a fitting metaphor for Chatterjee’s subject of political revolution.

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Charles Taylor Book Award Winner 2022: Anastasia Shesterinina, for Mobilizing in Uncertainty: Collective Identities and War in Abkhazia

Mobilizing in Uncertainty is a model of clear and impactful interpretive social science. It leads the reader into the anguished processes by which ordinary citizens decide whether to take up arms, take sides, hide or flee a coming war, through a sociohistorical study of mobilization during the Georgian-Abkhaz War of 1992-1993.

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Grain of Sand Award Winner 2021: Mary Fainsod Katzenstein

Through her extensive research, mentorship, and teaching, Dr. Mary Fainsod Katzenstein has intentionally and imaginatively explored issues including (but not limited to) ethnic politics, social movements, feminism, and mass incarceration. By epitomizing how political scientists may elucidate and critically challenge enduring political questions and concepts for and with many communities, Mary’s work is exemplary within the interpretivist community.

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Lee Ann Fujii Award Winner 2021: Natasha Behl, for Gendered Citizenship: Understanding Gendered Violence in Democratic India

Natasha Behl’s Gendered Citizenship presents a fascinating and moving analysis of gendered violence. From an interpretive vantage point, this study asks why there exists pervasive genderbased discrimination, exclusion, and violence in India when the Indian constitution seemingly builds an inclusive democracy committed to gender and caste equality.

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Charles Taylor Book Award Winner 2021: Thea Riofrancos, for Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador

The book is a tour de force. Combining both archival and ethnographic methods masterfully, Riofrancos’ book stands out for its sophisticated treatment of a topic of abiding concern to political science, namely the study of resource politics. But unlike conventional accounts, Riofrancos refocuses our attention onto the field of political struggle.

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Grain of Sand Award Winner 2020: Hanna Fenichel Pitkin

From The Concept of Representation (1967) to The Attack of the Blob (1998), Hanna Pitkin’s work has elucidated the multiple meanings of concepts and the implications ordinary language use analysis holds for revealing how we think and act in the world. Inspired in large part by the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Hannah Arendt, Pitkin’s fine-grained analyses of terms such as representation, justice, judgment, and membership have operated, as the sand metaphor suggests, as an irritant within the academy, perturbing conventional modes of thinking— challenging us all to unsettle existing assumptions, as she did, and to view our tacit knowledge critically.

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Charles Taylor Book Award Honorable Mention 2020: Nicholas Rush Smith, for Contradictions of Democracy: Vigilantism and Rights in Post-Apartheid South Africa

South Africa is often heralded as a beacon of successful transition into democracy; yet its citizens are riddled with anxiety and insecurity, often taking to vigilantism in order to protect themselves including from the state itself. Why would citizens feel this way, especially given the fact that South Africa has a constitution with one of the most robust set of rights’ protections in the world?

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